Moon Flower Remedies
The Moon Flower Essences drops are a variation of Bach Flower remedies
oriented towards women's cycles.

The Moon Flowers were created by herbalist and women’s therapist Anna Sazanoff and are made in accordance with the moon phases and the female archetypes.
In total, there are 13 vibrational essences, each derived from a unique plant and designed to address distinct physical, mental, and emotional conditions. To complement each essence, a corresponding oracle card was created, forming a comprehensive deck that assists in choosing the most suitable Flower Remedy for each individual and specific circumstances.
By using Moon Flower Remedies, it becomes possible to illuminate past traumas and gain insight into behavioural patterns that manifest as psychosomatic, physical and emotional ailments. These Remedies serve as a potent resource for restoring emotional equilibrium, cleansing the system, and releasing stagnant energy.

For optimal therapeutical results, it is advisable to do one monthly session during a minimum of three months, for a deeper experience and lasting effects.
● The 1st meeting focuses on an initial reflection and sharing session on personal situation, mapping of the menstrual cycle and analysis of symptoms, intention-setting and choosing the indicated Flower Remedy for that month (in person or online, 1h30) – Personal analyses or records from the last 6 months are welcome.
● The purpose of the 2nd session is to facilitate integration and receive feedback following a complete month of utilising Flower Remedies. This session allows for reflection upon any observed changes and collaboratively mapping them together. Towards the end of the session, a new Flower Remedy is chosen based on the patient’s individual needs, ensuring that any necessary adjustments are made. (online, 1h)
● The 3rd session allows to evaluate the plan and help put it into practice, with day-to-day rituals, exercises and wellbeing practices for the months to come.
Subsequently, follow-up sessions can be scheduled for questions, adjustments, discussion of results or new directions. Patients can book these at their own time, following their learning pace and their cycles.